How is my data kept safe


Last Update 7 months ago

Every day, CareIQ processes data on behalf of (NHS) patients and healthcare professionals.

CareIQ has a commitment to make sure your data is available to you super fast and secure.

It's not enough to deliver a service you can safely rely on. Trust needs to be earned.

That's why we're being transparent in how we handle, process, and use data

CareIQ is certified to NHS and government standards

CareIQ routinely meets and excels at the standards set by the NHS and the British Government to ensure health data kept safe and used ethically.

This includes NHS DSPT and Cyber Essentials Plus

How data is kept safe

Data encryption

All data is encrypted, both when it's stored and when it's sent. 

Strong identity controls

Only those who are meant to use our system are the ones you trust.

CareIQ Radar is used by your trusted healthcare professionals (with valid NHS credentials) and CareIQ Patient is used by you.

Safe and secure partners

For specialised scenarios we work with other organisation, e.g. secure data storage in the cloud. Only those who meet our high standards become our partners.

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